About The Book

Genesis II

GENESIS II develops an entirely New Christian Worldview based on decoding the symbolic content of Revelation Cgapters 4-9. This new worldview is unique to the Christian community and it shows that the executive setting depicted in these chapters is oriented in reviewing world history in it’s entirety, from the beginning of time to the current moment and into the future. This history is contained in the sealed book (Revelation 5:1)–called the Seven Seals followed by the Seven Trumpets. It is this unfolding world history that is presented in GENESIS II. In addition GENESIS II addresses Social Justice. This it does by first referencing the book written in 1879 by Henry George of San Francisco, the social philosopher and economists. The book in the eighteen years from its publication to the turn of the century was to realized some five million copies of Progress & Poverty and related materials being sold.

It created a substantial national social movement with the book having world wide impact. (Henry George was to run for major of New York in 1897 but died during the campaign) In the years after the turn of the century real estate and epidemic interests criticized the moral conclusions of Progress & Poverty by claiming that land was just another capital good. The criticism was damaging to Progress & Poverty ethical assumptions and recommendations and national interest eroded. My assertion in GENESIS II is that the criticism regarding the characterization of land as just another capital good is invalid. My book tries to show why that is true. I

n that regard I attended Columbia University in New York and did degree work in Economics. The chair of the Economics Department at Columbia University at the time was C. Lowell Harriss who was pro-Henry George and understood the Georgist thesis. (I took a class from Professor Harriss, Government Policy and Economic Life. And I received an A for my work in this class–proud of that.)

Many advocates have since promoted Progress & Poverty, some at the highest level of politics and academics. GENESIS II reintroduces the ethical concepts of Progress & Poverty as a working premise to be considered in forming a new world order.